To keep you up to date for Magical things happening in New York. A magic show called SNAP is making it’s US Debut in April featuring Korea’s best magical performers.

“2019, officially invited to New Victory Theater, the prestigious theater on Broadway 42nd Street”
“2018, Selected as an official invitation show to the “CINARS”
“2016-17, Selected as the Best Magic show and Won the Asian Arts Award at the Edinburgh Fringe“
About show
U.S. Premiere April 12-28, 2019
Korean Illusionists Bring Marvelous Magical Cabaret to 42nd Street New York, NY Poof! Presto! Snap! Brilliantly staged, SNAP is a wild mix of illusion featuring an eclectic ensemble of South Korean artists who will boggle your mind with their impressive powers of prestidigitation. Stumble through a
mysterious door and meet a variety of silly and strange characters that play with space, time and the otherworldly.
- The Oddball juggles bricks that appear out of thin air.
- The Alchemist conjures silver hoops out of glittering sand
- The Florist turns playing cards into fluttering butterflies.
- SNAP transcends the structure of mystery and suspense through the desire, conflict, and intertwined double lines of characters. Based on creative ideas, they reproduce realistic imagery on stage, and present fantastic art of dreamlike impressions that reflect the surreal world view.
- As the mysterious and magical SNAP makes its U.S. debut, it appears on the stage of New Victory Theater from April 12 to April 28, 2019.
- SNAP performed for sold-out crowds at Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2016, returning in 2017 for an encore run. Mixing dexterous sleight of hand, Chaplin-esque vaudevillian comedy and ingenious visual effects, the cast of SNAP employs their gift of silent storytelling to reach over cultural and language barriers and entertain audiences around the world.
- SNAP holds the Asian Arts Award for Best Production and Broadway World’s “Best Magic Show” title. In addition, SNAP was selected as “The official invitation production” for the first time in history as a magic-based performance at the CINARS Biennale which is the most prestigious arts market in the world.
- WCM. Since then, the company has produced original, interdisciplinary cultural events and performances, and served as consultants and agents for Korean artists.
Artists Featured:
- Ted Kim as The Dreamer
- Young Min Kim as The Alchemist
- Chang Min Lee as The Florist
- Young Ju Kim as the Oddball
- C.S. Choi/Young Min Lee/Mujun Jeong/Jeong-seok Mun as the Tricksters,
Creative Team:
- Hyung June Kim (producer), Sine Kim(Planning Director)
- Won il Kim(International Affair Manager), Casa Kim (Artistic director)
- Jung-Kook Park & Jun seok Lee(Lighting design),
- Kyoung pyo Lee(Stage Design)
- Uni Jhang(Musical composition)
- Bo young Seo(Costume design)
- Hun Lee(Stage effects design)
- Tae Won Kim(Digital arts & Designing)
- Sang min Choi(Stage Manager)
- Pildo Yang(Deputy Stage Manager)
- Mingu Yoo(Assistant Manager)
- J.S Mun(Production support)
- M.J Jeong(Choreographer)
- Cheol seung Choi & Y.M Lee (Movement & Magic)
- Yuji Yasuda
- Eric Eswin
- Gregory Bracco(Creative advisor)