To kick off the SAM PA1-Society of American Magician’s 2018-2019 Lecture Series, we will feature a lecture and presentation by Gary Brown.
Gary is a magician, historian, writer, inventor and a United States Magistrate Judge. His magic writings include
The Coney Island Fakir, an award-winning biography about magic dealer Al Flosso, as well as articles about magic and related phenomena for
The New York Times, American Heritage, Emmy, Invention & Technology, and a plethora of conjuring periodicals. He has appeared as a commentator on magic, gambling, deception and crime on
The Discovery Channel, A&E, Court TV, and
National Public Radio. Gary has produced a half-dozen original magic effects which are currently being commercially marketed and have received outstanding reviews in magic publications.
Gary will be offering “Tricks from the Fourth Dimension,” a lecture featured at this year’s IBM National Convention. As part of that presentation, Gary will demonstrate, discuss and teach a series of effects used by 19th Century medium Henry Slade to baffle scientists, giving rise to the theory of the Fourth Dimension. These effects can be performed today with equal impact in a variety of settings. And, if the spirits are with us, he will attempt to bring back the spirit of Henry Slade, who may bring us a message from the great beyond….
September 21st, 2018. Come a little earlier for some pizza and refreshments starting at 6pm. Lecture begins at 7pm.
Fantasma Magic New York213 W 35th Street, Suite 401, NYC 10001 (Click for Map and Directions)
- Free for all Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly 1 members.
- $10.00 for Society of American Magicians members who are not PA1 members.
- $40.00 for non-SAM members which can be applied to PA1 membership dues when application is received on the lecture night only. Additional details about joining the Society for American Magicians can be found by clicking here.
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