Sometime in 1942, the Magic Community in New York used to meet every Day for Lunch in Manhattan. It was called the Magic Table. Through out the years it changed locations and eventually became a weekly Friday tradition. This was a definite stop for any magician who was in NYC on a Friday. The last weekly gathering was at the Times Square Diner in early 2020. It was a tradition carried on by local magician, artist and historianTom Klem. Once the COVID-19 pandemic shut down New York City. The physical meeting had to stop.
Today the tradition continues! SAM Parent Assembly #1 President, Herb Scher, launched a Virtual Magic Table, on June 4th, 2020, via the Zoom Platform. The Magic Table is open to all who love magic and want to meet new faces, share ideas, learn and not have lunch alone… Please join us… the link is above just below the image or Click Here.
Below is the an article and graphic that sheds some historical insights to this tradition.