Next Meeting Thursday April 7 At Fantasma

The next meeting of the parent assembly will be held on THURSDAY April 7

at Fantasma Magic

421 Seventh Avenue
Entrance on 33rd street

The after meeting event will be a Lecture by by Flavio Iacobini, a magician from Italy, who specializes in magic for children. Flavio, better known as Mago Iaio, is the creator of Hocus Bimbus Grand Gala, the most popular live magic show series for children in Italy. The lecture will cover a wide range of magic which will be of interest to anyone who performs for children but also has applicability to general audiences. His lecture will cover warm-ups, actual routines from his show, marketing tips, costuming advice and the importance of your performing name when trying to set yourself apart as a professional family and children’s entertainer.

Please come early to join in to the pre meeting Jam session. Jam begins at 6:15.

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